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        1 - A Study of the Philosophical Elements of Platonic-Plotinian Tradition in Khwājah Naṣīr al-Dīn Ṭūsī’s Philosophy
        Seyed Morteza  Honarmand
        After the rise of Islam, philosophy and wisdom in Iran and in other corners of the world of Islam were united with Greek philosophy and interacted with it through the Translation Movement. Khwājah Naṣīr al-Dīn Ṭūsī was of the prominent thinkers of the world of Islam who More
        After the rise of Islam, philosophy and wisdom in Iran and in other corners of the world of Islam were united with Greek philosophy and interacted with it through the Translation Movement. Khwājah Naṣīr al-Dīn Ṭūsī was of the prominent thinkers of the world of Islam who became familiar with Greek philosophy and enriched it in the light of his innovations through the Peripatetic Philosophy and the works of Fārābī and Ibn Sīnā. Now, the question is which of the philosophical elements of Greek wisdom, particularly the Platonic-Plotinian tradition, is more visible in Ṭūsī’s philosophical-kalāmī thoughts. This study, which was carried out following a descriptive-analytic method and through exploring Ṭūsī’s works, concludes that this presence and similarity have emerged in different forms, including: 1) complete acceptance of Greek views without any change though with some displacement of Greek views, such as the most logical problems, the discussion of the ten-fold categories, the four-fold causes, and classifications of sciences; 2) completion, change, and addition of some arguments for demonstrating the previous views, such as the problem of impossibility of endless chain, immateriality of the soul, proving the Necessary, oneness of the Necessary, impossibility of the emanation of many from the one, union of the intellect and intelligible, and the substantial nature of archetypes, and 3) the change of the content and nature of Greek views while preserving their old names, such as Platonic Ideas. Manuscript profile
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        2 - ُُEditor's Note
        Hossein Kalbasi Ashtari
        از مداخل مهم تاريخ علم و فلسفه جهان، مدخلي موسوم به «نهضت ترجمه» در دو قلمرو عالم اسلام و غرب لاتيني است. تتبّعات و تحقيقات متعدّدي در چگونگي اين دو رخداد مهم علمي و فرهنگي صورت پذيرفته و اكنون به بركت اين تلاشها، داده‌هاي ارزشمندي دربارة آثار و منابع، مترجمان و چگونگي More
        از مداخل مهم تاريخ علم و فلسفه جهان، مدخلي موسوم به «نهضت ترجمه» در دو قلمرو عالم اسلام و غرب لاتيني است. تتبّعات و تحقيقات متعدّدي در چگونگي اين دو رخداد مهم علمي و فرهنگي صورت پذيرفته و اكنون به بركت اين تلاشها، داده‌هاي ارزشمندي دربارة آثار و منابع، مترجمان و چگونگي ترجمة آثار از زبان مبدأ به زبان مقصد در اختيار ماست. برابر گاهشماري موّرخانِ تاريخ علم، نهضت ترجمة نخست، حدّ فاصل قرن سوّم تا پنجم قمري در عالم اسلام و در مناطقي چون بغداد و مرو و نهضت ترجمة دوم، حد فاصل اواخر قرن يازدهم تا اواسط قرن سيزدهم ميلادي در مناطقي چون صَقليّه (سيسيل) و طليطليه (تولدو) در جنوب اروپاي آنروز پديد آمد. بي‌ترديد در باب مبادي و انگيزه‌هاي دو حوزة فرهنگي و تمدني عالم اسلام و غرب لاتيني در اقبال به ترجمة متون نيز ديدگاههاي مختلفي عرضه شده است، ليكن همچنان پرسشهاي مهمي در اين زمينه وجود دارد كه نيازمند تتبّع و تحقيق افزونتري است، مانند اين پرسشها كه: به غير از احساس نياز به فراگيري دانشها ـ بويژه دانشهاي كاربردي نظير رياضيات، نجوم و طبّ ـ چه انگيزه يا انگيزه‌هاي ديگري در اخذ و اقتباس اين علوم وجود داشته است؟ در اقبال و توجه به علوم عقلي نظير منطق و فلسفه و كلام چه زمينه‌هاي روحي و فرهنگي مؤثر بوده است؟ و مهمتر اينكه: در اخذ و اقتباس علوم، چه افزوده‌ها و تغييراتي به صورتهاي اوليه آن علوم ضميمه شده است؟ بنظر ميرسد مبادي تحرّك و نشاط علمي سده‌هاي نخستين قمري در عالم اسلام و نيز تأثيرات ناشي از حضور هشتصد ساله حاكمان مسلمان (711 ـ 1492م.) در شبه جزيره‌ ايبري در جنوب اسپانيا از جمله موضوعاتي است كه همچنان نيازمند بررسي و پژوهش بيشتري است، زيرا در مقايسه با شرايط و موقعيتهاي قبل و بعد از اين مقاطع تاريخي، تحولات چشمگيري صورت گرفته كه تنها برمبناي آگاهي از گاهشماري آن تحولات، نميتوان به عمق روابط و مناسبات فرهنگي و معنوي آن روزگار پي‌ برد. به اين مطلب بايد مطلب ديگري نيز افزود و آن اينكه بخش اعظم پژوهشهاي صورت گرفته در خصوص اين دو جريان علمي بدست پژوهشگران غربي انجام شده و حتي آن بخش از اين پژوهشها كه مربوط به نهضت ترجمه در عالم اسلام است نيز عمدتاً از جانب پژوهشهاي غرب به شرق سرازير شده است، اين در حالي است كه منابع و مدارك تاريخي براي پژوهشهاي گسترده در اين زمينه در اختيار پژوهشگران عالم اسلام قرار داشته و دارد، مانند انبوهي از تراجم و فهرستها و گزارشهاي تاريخي كه هرچند نيازمند مطالعه و بررسي انتقادي است، ليكن حجم قابل توجهي از داده‌ها را در اختيار پژوهشگران اين حوزه قرار ميدهد. اميد آنكه اين مهم با همّت و دقت نظر صاحبان قلم و پژوهشگران علاقمند به حوزة تاريخ علم و تمدن تحقق يافته و افق جديدي از تأثير ميراث علمي جهان اسلام را به روي نسل حاضر بگشايد. Manuscript profile
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        3 - A review and critique of Oliver Leaman's views on the conflict between the revelation and philosophy
        Alireza Asaadi
        Oliver Leaman (1950-) Orientalist, Quran researcher and Western commentator on Islamic philosophy, has studied the relationship between the Quran and philosophy in some of his works. Although he has a more moderate view of the impact of Quranic teachings on Islamic phil More
        Oliver Leaman (1950-) Orientalist, Quran researcher and Western commentator on Islamic philosophy, has studied the relationship between the Quran and philosophy in some of his works. Although he has a more moderate view of the impact of Quranic teachings on Islamic philosophy than many orientalists, and has accepted the role of the teachings of the Holy Quran in the formation of Islamic philosophy, But on the issue of the conflict between the Qur'an and philosophy and the solution of Islamic philosophers for it, he has made some thought-provoking statements. This article examines and critiques his view in this field with a critical descriptive method and while explaining his view and the truth of the conflict, shows that first of all, the conflict occurs only between philosophical rational understanding and human Quranic understanding and the perception of the conflict between the Qur'an and philosophy among orientalists stems from the analogy between Islam and the Qur'an with Christianity and the Bible. Second, contrary to what Oliver Leaman says, the solution of Islamic philosophers, including Ibn Rushd, does not require the subjugation of the Qur'an and revelation.Third, if opponents of philosophy in the Islamic world or orientalists have accused Muslim philosophers of such beliefs as denying the divine knowledge of the details of time or bodily resurrection and following Aristotle in the matter of the soul, it is because of a misunderstanding of their words. Manuscript profile
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        4 - Oliver Leaman’s View of the Conflict Between Revelation and Philosophy
        Alireza Asaadi
        The problem of the relationship between revelation and philosophy or the conflict between reason and faith is one of the most famous and challenging discussions in the history of Islamic philosophy. In fact, it has occupied the minds of prominent Islamic thinkers, both More
        The problem of the relationship between revelation and philosophy or the conflict between reason and faith is one of the most famous and challenging discussions in the history of Islamic philosophy. In fact, it has occupied the minds of prominent Islamic thinkers, both Shi‘ite and Sunnite, since the advent of Islam and, following this, has been discussed by Orientalists in the field of Islamic studies as well. Oliver Leaman, the Orientalist, Qur’ān researcher, and Western interpreter of Islamic philosophy, has dealt with the problem of the relationship between the Qur’ān and philosophy. While adopting a more moderate standpoint in comparison to many other Orientalists, and while acknowledging the consistency of revelation with philosophy, he believes that Qur’anic theorems and teachings have influenced the development of Islamic philosophy. Moreover, he has propounded a number of noteworthy points in his analysis of the theory of conflict of reason with revelation and evaluation of Islamic philosophers in this regard. Following a descriptive-critical method, this paper clarifies and criticizes Leaman’s view of this theory and demonstrates that, firstly, the conflict exists only between the human intellectual philosophical and Qur’anic perception of this problem, and the hypothesis of the conflict between revelation and philosophy among many Orient ologists stems from comparing Islam and the Holy Qur’ān with Christianity and the Holy Book. Secondly, the author states that, in contrast to Leaman’s claim, the solution provided by Islamic philosophers, including Ibn Rushd, does not necessitate undermining the significance of the Qur’ān and revelation and accusing Muslim philosophers of denying God’s knowledge of particulars and corporeal resurrection and following Aristotle regarding his theory of the soul, which originates in a misunderstanding of Islamic philosophers’ views of this conflict by opponents of philosophy in the Islamic world or Orientalists. Manuscript profile
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        5 - The Systematic Method of Khwājah Naṣīr al-Dīn Ṭūsī in Confronting Critics of Islamic Philosophy
        Hesamal-din  Momeni Shahraki
        Khwājah Naṣīr al-Dīn Ṭūsī can be considered one of the most prominent advocates of Islamic philosophy during the period of eclipse of thought and philosophizing. He prevented the extinction of the light of this original school of thought drawing on his scientific and ph More
        Khwājah Naṣīr al-Dīn Ṭūsī can be considered one of the most prominent advocates of Islamic philosophy during the period of eclipse of thought and philosophizing. He prevented the extinction of the light of this original school of thought drawing on his scientific and philosophical support and efforts. In order to defend Islamic philosophy against its critics, he used a systematic method that resulted in a fundamental transformation in the development of Islamic philosophy and kalām. While employing some descriptive, analytic, and ascriptive arguments and certain logical and deductive analytic methods, the present study aims to explain Ṭūsī’s scientific-defensive method in facing the critics of Islamic philosophy. The findings of this study indicate that the features of his systematic method include explaining the lack of conflict of interest between philosophy and religion, entering dialogs with other thinkers, explaining Ibn Sīnā’s philosophy, criticizing the views of opponents of philosophy, synthesizing Peripatetic and Illuminationst philosophies, revealing the functions of philosophy through presenting philosophical explanations, following a rational and unbiased approach in commenting and criticism, and observing the rules of ethics in criticism. Finally, the author concludes that Ṭūsī’s philosophical intellect and rational approach provide the basis and main axis for his scientific-defensive system. Manuscript profile